Why the User Experience is Top Priority 

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Attracting, engaging, and retaining customers is rooted in the level of service and convenience you can provide. 

That’s why standing out from the competition crowd will take a focused effort to build an effective user experience. Ignore it and you could be left behind. Invest in it now and you could become an industry leader. The choice is yours to make. 

With the internet at their fingertips, consumers have more choices now than ever before. And how you meet these shifting consumer preferences will determine what industry players survive and which will be pushed out. 

The most important trend to watch? 

User experience. 

Merely “selling” a product is not 21st-century marketing.  

Consumers want to be given a full purchasing experience. They want to have control over not just what they buy but how they buy. At the center of this emerging trend: immediate access to information.  

Purchase updates that used to take days now take seconds. Monitoring when a package will arrive now can be tracked in real-time on a mobile app. Hours spent comparison shopping in retail stores can all be done by visiting a single website. 

The truth is if your product doesn’t offer high value and convenience, then consumers don’t want it. 

With the saturation of ultra-service companies like Amazon and Uber, consumers have come to expect fast, affordable, and customer-centered options. What they expect from their healthcare providers is no exception.  

And the largest force behind the shift in consumer preferences? Millennials.  

With Millennials estimated to spend $1.4 trillion in 2020, studying how  this demographic shops and what it expects from a brand is mission-critical. 

And this online shopping preference extends across all product brands. 

Consumers do not want to wait. They want the products they want when they want them. 


Instant gratification. 

Consumers have come to expect complete transparency throughout the entire shopping process. From knowing when a product is shipped, to getting up-to-the-minute delivery updates, to having easy returns, consumers want ultimate control. 

Offering high value services will win 

In a world where low-cost options will win out, offering significant added value will be the only way to attract and convert the informed consumer.  

And with consumers able to comparison shop with just a few clicks, having a highly-tailored and seamless user experience will be the key differentiator. 

Not sure where to start? 

Taking a page out of the retail marketing playbook makes it clear: convenience is king. Brand loyalty is a thing of the past. If your brand can’t compete on ease of use, you’re dead in the water. 

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Pinpointing how your customers buy, why they buy, when they buy and what  they really want from brands is the only way to build marketing campaigns that generate ROI.  

Shortcut any one of these areas, and you’ll lose market share fast. The empowered consumer is just that: powerful. Be sure to play your marketing hand wisely. 

Need some guidance on how to best position your furniture brand to win the user experience battle? Let’s connect and compare notes. 

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