What’s standing in the way of your best year in online growth? Sales friction.

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Businesses of every shape and size have been selling their products and services online for decades. Yet, despite everything they think they know about maximizing profits to reach their full sales potential online, many fail to realize that the key to unlocking their true growth potential is right in front of them.

By making the right decisions and removing the friction that they may have unknowingly created for their customers and prospects, businesses can propel their online sales growth to new heights. In this post, we’ll shed light on some of the most common e-commerce missteps that create more friction for your customers resulting in fewer conversions and slower growth for your business.

1. Complicated checkout processes and insufficient trust builders

One of the leading causes of reduced conversions is a complicated checkout process. Customers want simplicity and efficiency, and any unnecessary hurdles will undoubtedly turn them away. Additionally, insufficient trust builders, such as a lack of money-back guarantees, authority trust badges, or testimonials, will erode the credibility and peace of mind they need to move forward.

2. Confusing landing pages and unintuitive navigation

Imagine a potential customer clicking on a marketing link and then ending up on a generic category page instead of the intended product. This misstep not only confuses your prospects, but also leads to frustration and ultimately missed sales opportunities. Worse still, if your website navigation isn\’t intuitive, your customers may struggle to find what they need when they need it, which will lead to higher bounce rates and lost conversions.

3. Non-responsive website design

If you think your online sales only originate from customers shopping from their desktops, think again. If you haven’t taken the time to develop a responsive version of your site that is optimized to provide customers with a pleasant experience across different types of devices and screen sizes, you’re unnecessarily creating an unpleasant shopping experience for your customers shopping from their smartphones. Failing to optimize your site for smaller screens not only leads to a frustrating experience for your customers, it will also improperly display their devices making it much more difficult for them to navigate, view products, and complete transactions. As a result, this poor user experience translates to higher bounce rates, abandoned carts, and a loss of potential customers.  

4. Site speed and mobile experience

In the fast-paced digital world, your customers have the need for speed. Slow page load times can deter your customers, causing them to abandon their carts and seek alternatives. This high bounce rate directly translates to lost sales opportunities. Perhaps even worse, if your site is slow it can also negatively impact your search engine rankings, further reducing visibility and organic traffic. To maximize online sales, prioritizing and optimizing your site speed is a must to ensure your smooth and easy shopping experience.

5. Ambiguity in costs and payment

When it comes to costs and payment, Transparency is crucial. If you’re aren’t customers sure about pricing, hidden fees, or are forced into replenishment subscriptions without clear consent, it creates a barrier of mistrust. By providing them with clear and concise information, you can instill confidence and foster a positive buying experience every step of the way.

Unleashing your true growth potential online

Removing the friction from your e-commerce strategy just doesn’t happen, it requires a well-conceived strategy and a plan of action. Here are a few steps to consider:

• Examine bounce rates and abandoned carts: Analyze these metrics to identify areas of improvement. Dive deeper into product-specific sources to gain insights into customer behavior and preferences.

• Reduce error code pages: Error code pages can be frustrating for your customers. Regularly monitor and optimize your website to minimize these issues and ensure a smooth browsing experience.

• Listen to customer feedback: Google reviews and other customer feedback platforms provide valuable insights into customer experiences and pain points. Use this information to refine your e-commerce strategy and implement best practices.

By recognizing that selling friction may be seriously impacting your growth opportunity online and taking proactive measures to remove it, you’ll empower your customers and prospects to purchase without barriers, which ultimately will unlock the hidden growth potential of your online sales. From optimizing the checkout process to enhancing site speed and building trust, each decision you make in consideration of your customers’ journey plays a pivotal role. Embrace the power of removing friction and witness your online sales soar to new heights.

Remember, the growth of your e-commerce business is right in front of your nose; all you need to do is make the right decisions and embrace a frictionless customer experience.

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