Retail Categories: What People Search for on Google & Bing 

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If the global pandemic has increased anything in the world, it has been Internet searches. According to Google, between 30k-50k searches a day have never been searched before. That’s a record number of consumers searching for new products, services, and options than in any time in history. This represents an incredible opportunity for online retailers to get their products and services in front of a whole new audience by examining what they’re searching for.  

As consumers have been forced to quickly adapt to this new pandemic, work-from-home world, searches related to managing anxiety, stress, and depression are at an all-time high. And, consumer demand is shifting away from in-person services to anything that can be delivered safely online or in a virtual environment. Therefore, by incorporating keywords like “stress”, “relief”, “mindset” and other wellness-related topics, online retailers can strategically stay top of mind and top of search for the 350k new weekly Google searches.  

Recreational hobby searches have also experienced a record jump of over 400% with phrases such as “what to do at home” or “at-home hobbies” leading searches since March 2020.  

In addition, products and services that are labeled as at-home or virtual options have consistently outranked other in-person alternatives in search engine result queries. For online retailers looking to take advantage of the boom in online searches, updating search engine ads to include online, virtual, and at-home within the ad copy could increase ad impressions and clicks. 

But, what will separate the retailers that can take advantage of this increase in new online searches from those who miss out will come down to audience marketing. Understanding what people are searching for and how their search behavior has changed through the pandemic are important consumer insights to consider when retargeting audiences. What may have worked in 2019 to drive traffic to e-commerce sites will need to evolve to capture the attention of the emerging crisis-oriented consumer. For retailers that do the consumer research now and can incorporate the most used keyword searches into their ad and marketing messages will be handsomely rewarded with a (new) and bigger piece of the online pie. 

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